Why did I choose my major?

Hello everyone, The truth is that from a very young age I wanted to study journalism, I walked around my home with an logbook and pencil all day, I loved cutting news from the newspaper. Even so, in my third year of secunday, I doubted a lot and I was very interested in the careers of sociology, anthropology and law, finally when I have the results of PSU I decided for what I always wanted, journalism. For a while I was struck by being pdi, because my grandfather used to tell me. Also i really like sing, but i think i´m not really good, so i just sing in the shower. To this day I am very interested in being a firefighter, I hope one day to be. Journalism is for me the best career in the world and I am very happy to study at the University of Chile. I hope to be a critical journalist and to be of service of society, that I seek the truth and do quality work. My dream is to write a book or make a documentary. I am very interested in childhood and education and I believe that from jo...