
Showing posts from June, 2021

A website that I enjoy visiting oriented to my career

  Hi miss and classmates!  This year I have had to read a lot of news for the journalism branches.  Looking for means to read from,  I found LA OTRA DIARIA , it is a digital medium of independent journalism. To obtain more plural information from the beginning I read various media such as La Tercera, Emol, Cooperativa, Interferencia and CIPER, but when I found LA OTRA DIARIA I really loved it, it is a very sincere journalism. I really like this medium because it has a gender perspective, making a press with a feminist approach, respect for human rights and children. They do a great investigative job with their chronicles and reports, they are very good, you should read them. They also have an interview and opinion section, where they give a voice to women and people who are generally invisible in the mainstream media. I sincerely recommend everyone to visit this website, it is not like the traditional media that cover the news from day to day, they do a more dedicated job to the p

How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Place

 Hi miss and classmates, I chose to satudy journalism just for make the world a better place. I think the communicators has the duty to help to the persons. I especially chose the Universidad de Chile to study journalism because I am interested in the social vision of education and because it understands that we must be a positive contribution 🤗 .  I really like the curriculum and teachers are also very valuable in this learning process. As communicators we can do many things, starting with never compromising on ethics and following the basics that move a journalist, being at the service of society, offering the truth of things, always investigating beyond power. In my case I would like to dedicate myself to investigative journalism or writing  📝 . I would like to dedicate myself to the social, childhood or cultural issues, especially in Latinoamérica . In my case, the way I would like to help is that through research, forgotten issues are put on the table, give a voice to those