POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

 Hello miss and classmates!

This is my blog number seven! Today I will present the improvable aspects of my career (all aspects jiji). 

In the first place, regarding the curriculum, I thinks it´s a quite complete, although according to my (short) experience at the university, ther are branches that we share with film, which perhaps are a bit far from the objectives that I have as a journalism student, that is a totally personal opinion.

In second place, on the academic load, and the duration of the career, which is to be expected, the only contribution I would make is that there are really bad weeks and others are very relaxed, lack of balance.

In third place on the facilities and uses of technologies. I would like to clarify that I have only 5 face to face classes, so I don´t know all the infrastructure, but from what I see, I really like the campus and the faculty, it is a large and I imagine that in a normal year, it must be very entertaining, I don´t like that all the buildings are so gray. 

The classroms are great and have a lot of technology, I find that in terms of modernity it meets my expectations.

Finally about the teaching methods, online are very conventional. I like to do group work and practical activities. The face to face classes are undoubtedly the best, the experience with my classmates is my motivation. I like to attend reporting classes on Fidays.

I send you all many kisses and hugs, good weekend!!
